February Newsletter 2022


Stories of Restoration: Renee


Renee (left) and one of our Servant Leaders, Krystel.

Renee first arrived as a Resident at His Mansion in 2008 at the age of 26. She came for help with her life-long struggle: drugs and alcohol. Entering on a new path with Christ, Renee met and married a fellow His Mansion Resident and together they pursued the Lord in their renewed life.

Ten years later, Renee’s husband, Brian, passed suddenly from an overdose. The grief was so intense that Renee returned to old habits in order to cope. Once again needing help to overcome her pain, Renee returned to His Mansion.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger or sword?... No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” —Romans 8:35,37

While it was difficult for her to return because of the memories of her husband, Renee knew that her anger and pain was consuming her. In order to overcome, she needed to retrace her steps to find the healing that Christ offered.

In December 2021, Renee graduated the Resident program. She has since continued on as a Servant Leader, helping other women understand that nothing can separate them from the love of Christ.

Today, Renee recognizes that, “Jesus met all my needs...there has been so much restoration in my life and relationships.” As she goes forward, Renee plans to listen intently for God to direct her life’s path, regardless of the “bumps” and struggles along the way.


Renee and her husband Brian.

Did You Know

  • His Mansion has had several affiliate locations over the years, including some in the Bahamas and Canada.

  • When Residents graduate, they are asked to share their testimony. This is a way for everyone to see and hear God’s amazing work in their lives and bring glory to Him.

  • The Lord has blessed us with extensive facilities, including a game room, gym, chapel, craft room, and library. This provides plenty of activities for Residents in their free time.

  • Almost all of our staff and their families live on property. This helps to create a community atmosphere, which is essential to the Resident and Servant Leader Program process.


New Faces on The Hill


David and Kayla Wargo, new staff members joining our team.

As we begin the new year, we’re excited for all the Lord has planned in 2022. We’re looking forward to the new Servant Leaders, Residents, and staff that the Lord has in mind to serve here. This past January, we’ve welcomed four new people to “The Hill.”

We’ve welcomed two new staff members to the team, David and Kayla Wargo. They have joined our ministry to serve our Residents and Servant Leaders. David has joined as our Discipleship Coordinator, working with the men in the Servant Leader Program. His role includes mentoring, teaching, and discipling the young men who come to serve Residents.

Kayla will be serving as our Women’s Work Crew Supervisor. She’ll be working with the women Residents and Servant Leaders, scheduling out their work duties, and providing guidance and support during work crew.

We also welcomed two new Servant Leaders, Jamil and Lily. Jamil will be serving the men in the Residential program and Lily will be serving the women over the next year.

We’re so blessed to have new people join our ministry. The Lord has answered our prayers for more staff and we couldn’t be more thankful. We’re also hopeful for the new Residents that will join us over the coming year—people that the Lord will bring to receive His Gospel and healing.


Jamil and Lily, our two newest Servant Leaders.

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’.”

—John 8:12


Prayer Requests and Updates

Partnership Opportunities

As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some prayer requests and updates:

  • Please pray for our facilities staff as they repair the damage from the recent pipe bursts. Prayers that the damages are minimal.

  • Our most recent graduate will be returning as a Servant Leader in March. Pray for
    his time away and transition into the SL program.

  • Please pray as we continue to hire more staff. We are currently hiring for a Facilities Technician and a Men’s Biblical Counselor.

  • Praises for the Lord continually meeting our needs. We’ve had several people donate toward a new log splitter. We’re excited to be adding new equipment to make our work more efficient. Thank you for your generosity!

This season, we are working on making many facilities updates. Below is a list of the several partnership opportunities:

  • Due to inclement weather, our pipes burst in multiple buildings, which will require extensive renovation.

  • We need to replace our entrance sign by the main road.

  • The carpeting in our chapel and dining hall needs replacing.

  • We would like to add a refreshment station to our dining hall, making it easier for Residents to get water for meals.

  • As we update our farm equipment, we are looking to replace our cattle trailer to more easily move our livestock.

If you are interested in helping with these projects and needs, contact us by phone at 603- 464-5555 or by email at info@hismansion.com.

His Mansion