December Newsletter 2021


Stories of Restoration: Kessler

Kessler visiting Downtown Keene, New Hampshire.

A little over a year ago, Kessler found himself consumed by hatred and loneliness. Not only had he wrecked several cars in a period of months while under the influence, but his depression had brought him to want to end his life.

Kessler did not begin his life in a state of isolation and anger. He remembers growing up in church and accepting Christ at the age of five. As he grew, however, Kessler encountered loneliness and abuse, causing him to question his purpose.

Trying to ignore the pain he felt led him to develop unhealthy and crippling habits. On September 27th, 2020, Kessler was driving at 80 mph in a 45-mph zone while intoxicated and suicidal. While in the psych ward, he found out he was not allowed back home with either of his parents. In his desperate search for help, he found His Mansion and arrived here about a month later.

Kessler was wary of the community. However, their testimonies and unconditional love showed him the value he had as a child of God. Through their stories, he experienced the depths of Christ’s love for Him.

Kessler opened his heart and mind to the Lord. In return he found meaning and purpose in life. Through finding new life in Christ, the Lord is slowly redeeming Kessler’s relationships with his family. He is filled with anticipation as he prepares to return to His Mansion as a Servant Leader, ready to share his story with other men entering the program.


Residents showing off their gifts from Christmas 2019.

Gifts From God’s People

As we prepare for the Holiday season, we want to create joyful memories for our Residents and Servant Leaders. For some the holidays do not hold fond memories, and for others it can be difficult to be away from family. We like to make this special by providing personalized gifts for each of them. Would you join in this holiday tradition? The easiest way that you can help make the holidays special is by enclosing an extra gift for blessing people here on Christmas Day.

Please send in additional gifts with the enclosed response card, or give online at by December 13th. Please designate your extra gifts to “Christmas” or “Gifts from God’s People.


Holidays on the Hill

A few of our Servant Leaders performing at last year’s Christmas Coffee House.

The Christmas season can often be a difficult time for Residents and Servant Leaders. Being away from family can be challenging for them as they live here at His Mansion. We want the Holidays to be fun-filled and centered on the hope and beauty of Christ.

Our Advent service is the first to kick off the Christmas celebrations. Every Tuesday following, we have an Advent reading to center us on God’s word and the importance of the birth of Christ.

Throughout December, we host many fun events. The first is the annual Christmas Coffee House; a talent show where people can share a song, skit, or talent with the community. It’s a fun-filled evening with lots of laughs. Some favorite parties are the Men’s and Women’s Christmas parties, as well as a tree trimming party. These parties are a time for the community to gather as brothers and sisters in Christ and enjoy fellowship.

On Christmas Eve, we celebrate Jesus’ birthday party with a Christmas Pageant and the exchange of Secret Saint Gifts. On Christmas Day, we host special meals and open gifts
from God’s People.

The holidays are a busy time, but the busyness is well worth the joy and memories created. We’re happy to celebrate the birth of Christ and the dawn of the new year with people we call family.


Prayer Requests and Updates

As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some prayer requests and updates:

  • Over the next few months we will be having two graduations, which is both a praise and prayer request. Pray for our Residents as they graduate and transition into their next season.

  • Prayers for the Christmas season, that Residents can be ministered to through the holiday activities and experience God’s love.

  • We’ve received many applications for different positions. Pray for discernment and the Lord’s leading as we decide who would be a good fit to serve here.

  • Praises for the Lord continually meeting our needs. We’ve had several people help with various partnership opportunities each month. Thank you to those supporters and the Lord’s provision!

Partnership Opportunities

This season, we are working on making many updates throughout our facilities. Below is a list of the several partnership opportunities:

  • We need to replace our ministry sign by the main road.

  • We need to replace the carpeting in our chapel and dining hall.

  • All of our buildings run on wood boilers throughout the winter. We need to purchase a new wood splitter to keep up with our wood processing needs.

  • As we update our farm equipment, we are looking to replace our cattle trailer to more easily move our livestock.

    If you are interested in helping with these needs, contact us by phone at 603-464-5555 or by email at

His Mansion