November Newsletter 2021


Servant Leadership: Sara


Sara as a Servant Leader, working in the flower garden.

This month, we interviewed one of our previous Servant Leaders, Sara Johnson. Sarah came to serve at His Mansion in 2017 and has since used her skills to pursue a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. In this interview, she shares her experience in the Servant Leader Program.

How did you grow through the Servant Leader Program?

I grew relationally. I was discipled by others and in turn discipled the Residents. Having earned my Bachelors in psychology, I knew things academically about people, but that is entirely different from allowing unity with Christ to work itself out within the context of a relationship.

In what ways was the Servant Leader experience immersive?

It was such a special experience to get to live my whole life here. I was growing and developing professionally as well as personally. Both the people I worked with and those I was serving could have fun together with activities like ‘Family Night’ and celebrating holidays on The Hill—it was fully immersive in that way. Growing up I had my life sectioned off—school, work, family, and friends. Here at His Mansion, I was able to blend them all, and allow my relationship with Christ to fuse all of those together.

Visit our Youtube channel to watch the rest of Sara’s interview.


Resident’s showing off their gifts from Christmas 2019.

Gifts from God’s People

As we prepare for the Holiday season, we want to create joyful memories for our Residents and Servant Leaders. For some the holidays do not hold fond memories, and for others it can be difficult to be away from family. We like to make this special by providing personalized gifts for each of them. Would you join in this holiday tradition? The easiest way that you can help make the holidays special is by enclosing an extra gift for blessing people here on Christmas Day.

Please send in additional gifts with the enclosed response card, or give online at by December 13th. Please designate your extra gifts to “Christmas” or “Gifts from God’s People.


Staff Spotlight


Abe, Janessa, and Penny Stegall

This month Abe and Janessa Stegall are our staff spotlight. Abe came to His Mansion in 2017 as a Resident. After twenty years in addiction, Abe came to His Mansion to seek a new life in Christ. Since his graduation, Abe has served as a Servant Leader and now serves as our Men’s Program Administrator. In this role, Abe oversees the Men’s Resident Program, working closely with our counseling staff to make sure that the Residents are getting the right care and making progress. Abe keeps the men accountable and gives them the tools they need to stay on their path to recovery.

In 2014, Janessa attended the Resident Program. She stayed on as a Servant Leader to give other women the same love and care she received. Since then, she stayed on as Staff, working as a teacher and mentor to the women.

Abe and Janessa met while serving as Servant Leaders together. Since their wedding in 2020, they have welcomed their newest addition to the family; their daughter Penelope. With the arrival of their new baby, Janessa has stepped down from her staff role, to care for Penny full-time.

It’s a joy having the Stegalls on The Hill serving in so many capacities. We’re thankful for the work the Lord has done in their lives and for the restoration that He does through them.


Prayer Requests and Updates

As the year continues, please be in prayer for our ministry. Here are some prayer requests and updates:

  • Over the next few months we will be having many graduations, which is both a praise and prayer request. Please pray for our Residents as they graduate and transition into their next phase of life.

  • We are thankful to have received some applications for our Servant Leader Program. Please continue to pray as we discern who would be a good candidate to serve with us here. Please also pray that we would have enough applications to fill our programs.

  • We’ve received many applications for different staff positions. Pray for discernment and the Lord’s leading as we decide who would be a good fit to serve here.

  • Praise God for answering our prayers! We recently welcomed a new Servant Leader for our women’s program.

Partnership Opportunities

This season, we are working on making updates throughout our facilities; below is a list of the several partnership opportunities:

  • We are hoping to update our sound system in the chapel, as most of the equipment is outdated.

  • We need to replace the carpeting in our chapel and dininghall.

  • All of our buildings run on wood boilers throughout the winter. We need to purchase a new wood splitter to keep up with our wood processing needs.

  • As we update our farm equipment, we are looking to replace our cattle trailer, to more easily move the livestock.

    If you are interested in helping with these needs, please contact us by phone at 603-464-5555 or by email at

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