August Newsletter 2022

Dave and Diane Hultgren have been faithful servants at His Mansion for the last 44 years. Dave first came as a Resident in 1976 and Diane as a Servant Leader in 1978. Since then both have faithfully answered God’s call to serve in the ministry through various roles. Read there testimony!

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His Mansion
July Newsletter 2022

For this month’s newsletter we interviewed one of our former Servant Leaders, Dan. Dan served here with us in 2015, and has since begun his career as a Clinical Psychologist for the U.S. Military.

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His Mansion
June Newsletter 2022

Madison grew up in a Christian home, but never fully understood Christ's love. At nineteen, Madison started dating. However, over the four-year relationship, she was repeatedly abused. The abuse caused her to view herself as someone unworthy of God’s love. Read more about how Madison overcame her past and found the love of Christ.

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His Mansion
May Newsletter 2022

Josiah grew up in a Christian family, attending church regularly, yet his relationship with the Lord constantly fluctuated.

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His Mansion
April Newsletter 2022

This month’s newsletter we’re highlighting an interview with one of our Servant Leaders, Krystel. Krystel came to serve in 2020. Since completing her time here, she has been pursuing her certificate of Biblical Counseling through Word of Life Bible Institute.

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His Mansion
March Newsletter 2022

Aaron was born addicted. At the time of his birth, Aaron had drugs in his system, had tested positive for HIV, and weighed only three pounds.

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His Mansion
February Newsletter 2022

Renee first arrived as a Resident at His Mansion in 2008 at the age of 26. She came for help with her life-long struggle: drugs and alcohol. Entering on a new path with Christ, Renee met and married a fellow His Mansion Resident and together they pursued Christ in their renewed life.

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His Mansion
December Newsletter 2021

A little over a year ago, Kessler found himself consumed by hatred and loneliness. Not only had he wrecked several cars in a period of months while under the influence, but his depression had brought him to want to end his life.

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His Mansion
November Newsletter 2021

This month, we interviewed one of our previous Servant Leaders, Sara Johnson. Sarah come to serve at His Mansion in 2017 and has since used her skills to pursue a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. In this interview, she shares her experience in the Servant Leader Program.

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His MansionComment
October Newsletter 2021

Since childhood, Claire had always felt different and “less than” those around her. She often felt lonely; not quite fitting in at school and being much younger than her siblings. Beginning in high school, Claire began to hang around bad influences. She turned to everything the world offered to fill the longing in her heart that could only be satisfied by her Savior.

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His Mansion
September Newsletter 2021

In September 2019, Caleb knew he needed help. Caleb grew up in a Christian home with a supportive family. From a young age, Caleb realized he had a same-sex attraction. This eventually led to sexual addiction. Feeling guilty about his desires and actions, he became angry with God, and found himself stuck in addiction at age twenty-three. “I wanted what I imagine everyone wants: contentment, happiness, and a sense of purpose.”

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His Mansion
August Newsletter 2021

Keith and Karla first met at His Mansion in the nineties. Keith came as a Resident at nineteen feeling “lost for meaning and purpose.” Karla had arrived as a Servant Leader, deciding to pursue God fervently after breaking up with a long-term boyfriend who had drifted from the Lord. She went to His Mansion hoping that since God had “just wrecked my life” He would also fix it.

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His Mansion
An Update from the Hill

This month we wanted to provide a special edition of the newsletter, updating our readers on everything that has happened this past year as well as new things coming in the future. In this edition, we provide updates, partnership opportunities, and prayer requests, and some history of His Mansion Ministries.

Thank you for reading our newsletter and staying updated on everything that is happening here at His Mansion. We appreciate your support and prayers over the years and hope you enjoy reading this month's newsletter.

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Redeeming the Past

Barranquilla, Colombia is one of the largest cities and ports on the coast of the Caribbean Sea. The city is filled to the brim with people. If you walk along the streets you may find shops and stands selling anything from produce to trinkets. Sirens and car horns mix in among the loud music blaring from the shops and the shouting voices. This bustling city was Rebecca’s home for many years as a missionary kid.

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His Mansion
Assurance in Our Savior

No matter our circumstances or choices, Christ pursues us. Our actions and the guilt that follows often keep us from seeking Him. But God, despite our guilt, never stops pursuing us. For Dave, when he arrived at His Mansion, he was ready for a change. He wanted to put off his old life, and take on the new life that Christ offered, one that freed him from his guilt. And in 2020, Dave graduated from His Mansion setting himself on a new path with Christ.

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His Mansion
A Foundation for Miracles

Sue and Jeremy's testimony is a beautiful example of how the Lord's work on the cross can radically change lives. Sue and Jeremy both came to His Mansion for different reasons, but both with their own hurts and struggles. After the Lord redeemed their hearts and lives, they made Him the foundation for every aspect of their life.

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His Mansion
Grace that is Greater

If we are created in the image of God, what happens if our concept of Him is misguided? If we are taught that we must uphold a standard to gain God’s approval, what happens when we fail to meet that standard? Does God become angry and unforgiving? By the time Robert arrived at His Mansion in May of 2019, these questions and a considerable amount of anger had brought his life to a standstill. Unable to work because of depression, he felt that he had failed God and had no hope for salvation.

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His Mansion
Nature vs. Nurture

By the time a Resident arrives here, we don't know the full extent of their experiences. All we can do to begin their healing process is to provide a community where the love of Christ is visible. For someone like Christina, who knew instability and pain, encountering our community may be the first time they begin to understand the concept of love and family and its foundation in Christ.

Often the unconditional love shown by others overwhelms Residents because they realize it’s merely a reflection of the Love shown by Christ. Initiating the transition from hardship to grace is what we pray happens here, that we may change the Resident’s gaze from their pain to the Lord’s embrace.

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His Mansion
Trusting In Our Father

Trust. It’s easy to first acquire. However, once lost it can take a lifetime to re-establish. Sometimes our trust can be broken with other people, but almost always our trust is broken with God. Such can be said of Becky. She once felt secure in her relationship with her father and with God, but as her father withdrew emotionally and physically, Becky felt abandoned both by him and God.

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His Mansion
A Hope for the Hardships

What a great gift the Lord has given us in one another. Made in His image, we are constantly revealing Him to one another, whether we know it or not. Like Jacob, we often feel alone in our sufferings. Sometimes we believe the Lord is punishing us for something. and fail to see his goodness in the midst of our pain.

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His Mansion